Sunday 9 February 2014

C O N T E X T 

B a r h a r  Y u r u k o g l u  :  //

Barhar Yurukoglu is a photographer and builds installations with pieces of clear coloured acrylic. I originally wanted to work with acrylic however the accote was more accessible. Yurukoglu did an installation with jaguar for an advertisement in the wallpaper magazine in the novemeber issue. if i were building installations it would be good to work on live projects like this on the side. Yurukoglu takes photographs throws them back into the installation to regenerate a space. This is the similar  process as me. I like her close up images of her installations, with the way the layers of acrylic are layered through with shapes and different colours. I love the vibrancy of the images and the shapes within them, i have put together a close up image with its original form.