Thursday 25 September 2014

Inspiration | Creating fashion film Annie Oakes
I have collaborated with Youdunno S to create a set for the collection of garments made by Annie Oakes. 

For the set i wanted to develop ideas with acrylic to be used as props. It would be great to be able to print these out on a giant scale, however because of the machines available the largest scale i can do is a3. Adi Goodrich is still one of my favourite set designers, every shoot that she creates is fun, colourful and initiative. i want the set to involve shadows and reflections from the artwork.

Instead of printing on rectangle pieces of perspex i thought that this would be a good opportunity to experiment with random shapes i drew the shapes on my screen blind. Raw in shape but smooth and soft in colour. I used my photographs of colour from the practice unit which i thought would complement Annies collection, i also added a few blue to contrast just incase we wanted to use them in the set. With previous examples on the perspex i have printed very vibrant and saturated colours for this collection i felt it was appropriate to lower the transparency so the colours are very subtle. Reflecting the themes in the collection.